My Big Fight

by Fisherman   Jun 15, 2005

My Big Fight

I can not remember why we fought
No major grudge to it I brought;
A sanctioned fight – no fear of being caught
As a trouble maker with a history of evil wrought.

Yet there we were, a difference to decide
With fists and cuffs each other to deride;
Our postures strong with pride we did not hide
Yet camouflaging the anxiety we felt inside.

Is this my friend who I am about to punch?
Yet my anger called to treat him as my lunch
For had he not been caustic as a grunch?
Angry thoughts I had for him by the bunch.

Squared off were we in the grade school gym
I desired to make a punching bag of him
The early rounds made my hopes seem slim
As he pounded me with fists flying and countenance grim.

Yet with one swift upper cut
I scored my best hit to his gut
A punch which felled him on his butt
My heart pounding like a deer in rut.

And so he declared our fight a draw
Yet those who watched acknowledged what I saw
As vengeance duly paid for by the law
Of fisticuffs to decide matters sour in one’s craw.

And so ends this tale of woe which as a child
Was so untypical of me so meek and mild;
Yet good this memory which I begiled
As boy to manhood I reconciled.


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  • 16 years ago

    by ForeverASickKid

    Im speechless this poem was amazing

  • 17 years ago

    by Gizmo

    5/5 love it

  • 19 years ago

    by *Jess*

    Thats a pretty good poem... but it would be fantastic if the rhyming words were more recognized words that people knew what they meant.

  • 19 years ago

    by Amanda Bee

    Very nice poem, fisherman. I loved the rhyming scheme you used here and I loved the flow. Great work:)

  • 19 years ago

    by alone

    Weel done keep it up!!