Half of Who You Are

by Stef   Jun 15, 2005

To my best friend, the boy who gave me truth
I would like to thank you for your impact on my youth
I've never had a chance to tell you that you're my favorite guy
And when I'm around you, I know who I am and why.

Our friendship has been interesting to say the very least
Cuz it seems that our paths are truly destined to meet
I may have hated you at first, and you to me as well
But the way I feel for you has changed, as you can tell.

I've never met anyone who makes me smile like you do
Or who's always there with an out-stretched hand to pull me through
And who will listen to me complain for hours at a time
No, I never knew I'd have someone like you in my life.

I can tell you anything and know you'll keep it secret forever
And every time I fall to pieces you tape me back together
You say the sweetest things and can always cheer me up
And you go the extra mile when no one else goes far enough.

You're always there to talk to and you give great advice
Every time I make a stupid decision you make me think twice
You always listen carefully to everything I say
And you never fail to reply with word that make my day.

You confide in me and trust me with things that really count
And let me offer you suggestions that you actually think about
You'll never understand how much you've changed my everything
I know that if you're by my side I can face almost anything.

So I really just want to thank you for everything you've done
Because of you I believe in myself, and I know I'll be someone
And I wish that I could give you the world and all the stars
And I hope that someday I can at least be half of who you are.

But for now all I can give you is the promise that I'll be
As amazing as a friend that you've always been for me
And I know you won't believe it, but it's the honest to Buddha truth
I will never meet another person who I'll love more than you.

***just thought I'd explain one line. the line that says "but it's the honest to Buddha truth" was going to be "the honest to God truth", but my best friends Buddhist. so ya...***


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  • 12 years ago

    by Kristen

    I love everything you write! It's been a few years since I last wrote, but I can't help but keep coming back to this website and your page just to keep reading your poems over and over again. They're amazing and so well written. Filled with such hope, sadness, agony, tragedy, happiness, confusion... It makes me realize how much I appreciate this art of being able to express yourself. Please keep writing and posting your magnificent talent because I will continue to read them.

  • 19 years ago

    by AngelEyez89

    Hey babe, i just wanted to thank you for your comment, it meant alot, especially because your poems are truly inspiring and amazing. you have so much talent and im honoured you even looked at my poems. smile always xoxo