The day you said Goodbye...

by Vanessa   Jun 16, 2005

That day you said Goodbye
all I could do was cry
without you I don't know what I'll do

I could always count on you
to help me make it through
we shared our laughs and our tears
hard to say goodbye to all those years

but now you must go
whether I'll ever see you again I'll never know
I know I'll miss you everyday
because without you my world is gray

If only you knew how much it hurts to see you leave
It's something I hate to believe
just please don't forget me
no matter how far you may be

You'll always have a place in my heart
so we'll never be apart


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Morgan

    Hard to see friends move away. Great

  • 19 years ago

    by confuzed137

    hey that was so good i can say the same too my friend is movin to tennessea

  • 19 years ago

    by JJ

    Beautiful job! I can relate..