That Boy

by Ashley   Jun 16, 2005

I sit in class and watch you
As you talk to your friends,
As you do your work,
As you laugh at the teacher’s jokes.
I wonder who you are,
With your dark hair hidden beneath that hat.
I listen carefully
As you play your guitar when the teacher leaves the room.
You sit high on your desk,
Smiling, looking around.
I watch your big blue eyes
Search for your friends.
Behind them I see someone who is sad and lonely.
But then you look my way and smile.
I don’t think you’re looking at me,
But I smile and quickly look away anyway,
Even though you’re probably not looking at me
I don’t want to seem rude by staring.
But maybe one day you’ll notice me
And when you walk by, you’ll say “hi”.


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  • 19 years ago

    by яock godеѕѕ

    Darlz dw hell say hi if your personality is as good as your poems keep it up. check some of my poems out. XoX Nat

  • 19 years ago

    by NoSurvival

    that is cute ....i like it ... ur good

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