Day by day...

by Britney C   Jun 17, 2005

Day by day,
I love you more.
Day by day,
I know I'll loose you.
Day by day,
My worse night mares are coming true.
Day by day,
We don't spend time together.
Day by day,
I know I've already lost you.
Day by day,
We go our separate ways.
Day by day,
I've lost you even more.
Day by day,
We change into other people.
Day by day,
I lost you completely.
Day by day,
We see other people.
Day by day,
We can still feel something for each other deep down in our hearts where no one can get to us.

(Please vote and comment on my poems. It would mean a lot to me if someone did.)


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  • 19 years ago

    by Britney C


    Thanks for your comment. I'm gonna read it right after i'm done writing back toyour comment. ok


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