Comments : Broken angel

  • 19 years ago

    by Solace

    I liked it a lot.. The first stanza has to be my favorite though.. Nicely written.. take care and keep writing (always)) xx:

    *> : PainOfOne

  • 19 years ago

    by FlowerThatDied

    That beautiful, keep it up plz comment and vote on some of mi poemz

  • 19 years ago

    by Tom Swart

    I like all your poetry. Thanks for the kind remarks about mine about trees. I still can't believe they cut them all down. Long story!!! many people felt terrible. keep up the good words

  • Hey, i really like this poem aswell, it's quite short compared to others but is every bit as powerful and well written.
    You've said all you need to say in it and it's really good.

    Thanks for commenting on my poems, i appreciate it.

    <3 Charli XxXxX

  • 19 years ago

    by foxy cleopatra

    WTF? dont mean 2 b rude...but y do u get 2 b an angel? ? Like, what makes u so special?Aer the rest of us angels as well? Or is it just you?

  • 19 years ago

    by foxy cleopatra

    WTF? dont mean 2 b rude...but y do u get 2 b an angel? ? Like, what makes u so special?Aer the rest of us angels as well? Or is it just you?

  • 19 years ago

    by xEmmax

    Dont worry huni, i got it to, i know it hurts, but dont u ever stop writing, we have freedom to write our feelings, and peple have no right to mock us like this, but they do, and it really hurts, but i loved this poem so much, and all of ur writing, and i understand. stay strong,
    lots of luv,