Why I LIke The Dark

by Raven Roth   Jun 17, 2005

Within the light,I am revealed,
To any that look my way,
But within the dark, I am concealed,
From all those that I hate.

Within the light, They will judge,
Mostly by what they see,
But within the dark, they are forced,
To measure by the real me.

They say the light should prized,
And the darkness should be despised,
But after each day comes the night,
And a shadow is made by every light.

Shantel McDonald


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  • 19 years ago

    by Gretchen

    I love the last line- and a shadow is made by every light.
    That is so awesome!!! 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by LostSoul

    This is great. This is really deep and has so much meaning. The only problem is. you put why I LIke the dark in the title instead of Why I Like the dark.

    Kepp up the good work 5/5.

  • 19 years ago

    by CE

    I loved the way this ended

  • 19 years ago

    by christina marie

    And you said i was great? look at your poems! you're great poet!! this poem was really deep, great jobb **5/5**


  • 19 years ago

    by VioletRaven

    I love it! This is my favourite out of your poems I have read so far. This is so easy to relate to, well done.