Comments : Anorexia Part 1

  • 19 years ago

    by Kassie

    Thats a really good poem. I once was feeling that exact same way, and starving myself too... for awhile. But, you realize that even though your looking the way you want more and more everyday your actually starting to dislike yourself more.. cause not only do you have a problem with the way you look but now you have a deadly disease to deal with. I finally realized that it isnt worth it.. but it's something that is never going to go away, your always going to have it in the back of your mind and probably try it more times throughout your life. But you just have to be strong.

  • 19 years ago

    by Marisa

    This is an amazing poem...If you stop writing then this site will shut down....You really have a true gift..Keep writing..check out my poem..Shattered...if you want to..

  • 19 years ago

    by TaTtErEdXhEaRt

    wow. I know the feeling to a T. I have 3 poems about anorexia on here to. Read if you'd like. Its good. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by ~sWeEt*sEnsAtiOns*~

    That was a good poem and i wish that i could starve myself but it's not in me. Well i hope ya get to the size that you want to.

  • 19 years ago

    by morgan

    wow... bravo

  • 19 years ago

    by Sarah

    I think that starving yourself is an effective way to do it but at the same time REALLY, REALLY dumb. If you do this I'm so sorry that you don't think that you are skinny or pretty enough but that is surely not the way to go with it. I know that I probably sound like you're mom or someone who gives you a speech everyday but if you do this to yourself you are hurting yourself terribly. I hope that you get over this whole image thing cause your health is definitely not worth it...YOU REALLY AREN'T. You are too, let me rephrase that WAY TOO GOOD AND PROBABLY BEAUTIFUL TO BE DOING THAT TO YOURSELF!! I know that you didn't post this to get advise on what youre writing about but I just needed to say something. I love your poem but I would love it WAY more if it wasn't true...5/5 Don't worry youre still an amazing person in my book.:)
