The girl

by virginia micklow   Jun 18, 2005

You see her alone in the corner
gazing upon the room admiring
all the friendships and relationships
wanting, striving to be one of you

And you wonder who she is
yet you are reluctant to go and talk
to this girl whom you wonder about
and ask these questions
instead you sit and laugh
with your posse about the weekend
and this girl whom you nothing of

The truth is, this girl,
is merely a human being
like me and you
a wave in the sea of the world
thrashed upon the banks
at the mercy of god
an unrelenting god that is

For the pain cuts through her soul
like the blade of a sword
rugged and stained with the blood
of her previous tortures
or shall i say 'battles not won'

She fights everyday as though its her last
taking it all upon herself
taking one for the team, they say
but the team never took one for her

She drowned in a sea of tears
lingering for that one last final gasp of fresh air
instead you, you held your hand over her mouth
and smothered her with your words of hate and anger
because of you she then collapses under the weight
of her own heartache


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