What's wrong with me?
Why can't I be happy?
No matter the situation
No matter the place
I always bring myself down
And think of the bad
I just want to lay under the stars
With the one I love
For hours on end
Without needing to speak
Just being there together
And have an understanding
Is it too much to ask?
I want things to go back to be like before
When I could smile and laugh along
When I didn't feel so lost without you
And I didn't need you near to smile
Although I love you and always will
I miss not needing you with me
And not being scared you would leave me behind
Because if you leave me I won't make it through
I cried in the car tonight
And tried to hide it under silence
But this depression keeps choking me
Keeps making me cry
But will medication really help?
I don't know if I want fake happiness
Or to just not care
I can't be sure what I want
I don't know what to do
Will you hold my hand if I'm feeling sad?
Will you hold me in your arms if I start to shiver?
Will you stroke my hair and look me in the eyes if I don't want to talk?
Will you kiss my lips if I start to cry?
Will you stay with me through all my depression?