Happily Ever After...?

by Samantha Jayneee   Jun 19, 2005

This makes me wonder, is there such thing as Happily Ever After..?

Snow White worked for the seven dwarfs,
Her skin was pure and white.
Using the axe meant to chop fire wood,
She cut her self each night.
The land with the dwarfs was sunny,
Inside her mind it always rained.
A pretty girl although so pale
From where her happiness was drained.

Sleeping Beauty so fair and kind,
But using her spinning wheel,
She slit her wrists and cut her arms,
For pain she could not feel.
Locked by herself she felt alone,
The prince of hers was never found.
So eventually, by herself,
In her own red blood she drowned.

Cinderella forced to work,
To always stand up, not take a seat.
Until one day she was pushed to far,
In the end she did not eat.
She got so loney and weak,
But no-one seemed to care.
Even when her prince did come,
She never woke from her eating nightmare.

Rapunzel's tall tall tower,
And hair golden and long,
Which she wound around her neck
To prove that she was strong.
Although not attempted suicide,
Just some fun loving self harm,
She suffered, choked and couldn't breathe,
In truth it made her calm.

Jack who played up with the giant
To make sure his mum kept well,
Did not only cart off the cow,
But pints of his blood he did sell.
For off the beanstalk he pulled a thorn,
So sharp through skin it glided.
Out of his cuts he collected blood,
Secretly to the 'strange' ones he was sided.

Hansel and Gretal both so happy,
There's more than meets the eye.
Gretal felt so big and fat
She made herself sick in days gone by.
When to the candy house they got,
She refused to eat at all.
If she did then down her throat, went
Two fingers, up came a silent call.

So if you do any of these things
Please know that alone you're not.
There's so many of us out there
Who don't eat.
Who make themselves sick.
Who cut.

Sorry if it doesn't make sense but it seemed like a good idea at the time...


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  • 17 years ago

    by AngelWithTheBrokenWings

    Hey ive read a few of ur poems and they are really good.

    ..::Broken Lullaby::..

  • Hey u said it was a good idea at the time. i fink dat it still is.its really good. i like the way u twisted the fairytales. thanx 4 ur comment on mi poem it means alot
    keep strong mel

  • Hey u said it was a good idea at the time. i fink dat it still is.its really good. i like the way u twisted the fairytales. thanx 4 ur comment on mi poem it means alot
    keep strong mel

  • 19 years ago

    by jay

    Hey gurl sorry i havent been on lately. i really love reading your work.sorry if i hyavent been in toch much.do u have myspace?we should just chat one day that would kewl.well i g2g2 but let me u ur still there.
    love bunches

  • 19 years ago

    by Kitty

    That was an awesome poem. Suddenly fairy tales make sense. Keep up the good work
    Katelyn x x x