My Friend

by Timothy Bledsoe   Jun 19, 2005

I haven't known you
For very long
But the love we share
Is so strong

We've been through much
The good and the bad
I've seen you when you're happy
I've seen you sad

You've given me scares
You've given me alarm
But I've been there to help
I've kept you from harm

You've been on the brink
Of losing everything
But I've always been there
To keep you from falling

You thank me for helping
You think I'm a gift
You thank me for being there
While through emotions you sift

You think I walk on water
You think I hung the moon
But I'm only human
You'll see that soon

I am fallible
You will see
I can't perform miracles
I can't part the sea

To me you are dear
I hold you to my heart
I won't let you suffer
Your burden I'll help cart

Every time I help you
Each time you cope
You do not realize it
But you've given me hope

When I give you comfort
Can't you see
That I don't comfort you
You really comfort me

This is written for, and dedicated to, a wonderful girl who knows whom she is.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Namida

    That was realli good!!!! wowwww :D

    ~Chocolate Luv~

  • 19 years ago

    by Lindsay

    Hello timothy =) really nice peom you have written, well done!

    Linds xXx

  • 19 years ago

    by Lu

    This was simply beautiful .. How two people can comfort each other so much without even realizing it..

    When I give you comfort
    Can't you see
    That I don't comfort you
    You really comfort me

    I just loved this part to pieces ... Remarkable piece my friend

  • 19 years ago

    by Laura

    This is an amazing poem, and reading through some of your other ones let's me know, that it's not just a one time're an amazing writer.

    keep it up.

  • 19 years ago

    by mistressxsork

    This poem was outstanding! You surely know how to write, and blend the right amount of emotion and depth into your poems. She must be a wonderful girl to have such an impact on you like she does. Hm, by the way you write..i was wondering, have you ever wrotten any stories? If not, you would be perfect to do so. But stay with poetry as well, i can see you are very good at it. Good luck with new poems. Hope to read more.
