In life

by lovely♥diamondprincess♥   Jun 19, 2005

In life we all learn to forgive and forget.
But what happens when we can’t forget yet?

In life we all learn to correct our mistakes.
But what happens when yet it’s hard because of the heartbreak?

In life we learn to care for one another.
But what happens when that person says they’ll leave forever?

In life we learn to say sorry.
But what happens when sorry doesn’t own up to your duty?

In life we learn to let some people go.
But what happens when your heart tells you no?

In life we learn to appreciate.
But what happens when your appreciation turns to hate?

In life we learn to have hope.
But what happens when hope does us no good, and just digs us a deeper slope?

In life we learn a lot.
But what happens when it stops?

By: Jamie Brockman


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