Am I insane

by Lu   Jun 20, 2005

Have you ever felt you are falling
But you never hit the ground
Have you ever felt your skin is crawling
But there is nothing around
You feel your life is a mess
And you don't know what to do
You want to scream and shout
But yet no words escape your lips
Your heart beats fast
Until you think your about to die
But you open your eyes
And you are still there
You want someone to talk to
But there is just an empty room of darkness
Darkness like eyes watching you
Following your every move
Taunting you and laughing in your face
You feel as though you have gone insane
You are no longer the person in the mirror
But a hollow image of yourself
Not knowing who that person is no longer
A stranger in your body
Is this what we call hell
Is hell really earth and there is a better place
I often ask myself
But yet I never know the answer


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  • 19 years ago

    by TeArS R FaLLiNg

    hey this poem is by far the best of your work! i do think that this is hell aswell keep up the writing xxx