
by Lil Luce   Jun 24, 2005

With the clock behind us turning
and time never seeming to slow.
My heard beats with an inner yearning,
as my emotions deepen and grow.

As the bell shouts out it's warning
and cuts our deep kiss short.
A sorrow fills my heart, I'm mourning
and grip to you for support.

With tear stained cheeks I turn to
your deep and longing eyes.
You mouth the words 'I Love You'
as i whisper my goodbyes.

Another call out from the bell,
summoning that it is time.
I tear myself away, farewell
from this bittersweet love crime.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Carmen

    Aw, that sounds just so sweet! but how is it bittersweet?

  • 19 years ago

    by stephyG

    hey.. i really love the title of ur poem.. n the rest was just great well done mWaz.. plEase Chek out sum of mine if ya getta chance mwaz :):) stephy!

  • 19 years ago

    by Lil Luce

    i wrote it about my long distance rship...a love crime as in the distance and the heartache when we leave each other...thanks 4 ur comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Daniel J

    Mmm. I do like the wording. Much is conveyed. But a love crime? Is this an affair being described, or something?

  • 19 years ago

    by confusion

    quite short yet so much said. very powerfully worded. brilliant
    keep it up :), lu -x-x-x-