Man of My Dreams

by xdiamondwingsx   Jun 26, 2005

As we stood on the beach
In the sunset's glow
He pulled me close
And said he'd never let go

His green eyes glittered
As he stared at me
And he began to sing
Accompanied by the sea

As the song went on
I couldn't stop a happy sigh
He smiled
And wiped a tear from my eye

I tried to say "I love you"
But with his finger on my lips, he hushed me
And leaned down to miss my lips
Capturing me gently

The ways quietly lapped
Close to our feet
The taste of his kiss
Was so sweet

Though so wrapped up
In his love and grace
I pulled away
To see his face

The stars twinkled
As the reflection of clouds in our eyes drifted away
He looked down at me
And promised to love me night and day

Though I loved this man very much
Whom held me throughout the night
I knew that he'd soon be gne
At the sun's first light

And just like every other night
When his green eyes had shone
I opened my eyes and began to cry
For I once again woke up alone.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by M MEM

    You really capture emotions, 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by wendy

    Nice writing ...... keep smiling

  • 19 years ago

    by Willie

    Wow i wake up like that 2 sometimes but right now i feel loved and i like ur poem