Forever Me and You

by xdiamondwingsx   Jun 26, 2005

My feet trudged along the old cobblestone street
As I trailed through my dark and lonely heart

Everything seemed like a painting incomplete
Like fragile, colorless art

There was no one and nothing by my side
No hand tightly holding mine

The wind only blew when my heart sighed
And the sun refused to shine

I needed someone to protect me
And comfort me in the storm

But someone I couldn't see
Had always been keeping me warm

He was a boy that lived many miles away
But still my very best friend

He's what helps me face this day
And will until the end

He gave me wings and made me fly
Looked into my eyes and made me see

Lifted me up and helped me try
To be the best that I could be

The only color in my life
Is a light that comes from his smile

One day he'll be my husband and I his wife
But we'll take care of each other meanwhile

Forever shall our relationship be bright
We are each other's one and only

You have carried me all this way
And now you need me to carry you

I'll hold your hand night and day
I won't be untrue

Odds say we'll never make it But if we love each other like we do

All we need is trust and the pieces will fit
And the puzzle will say 'Forever Me and You'.


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  • 19 years ago

    by M MEM

    This is sweet, very sweet, except it makes me sad, because of the never make it line. truth....

  • 19 years ago

    by wendy

    I also liked this one i will try to read all of yours but you have alot i only have a few