The time I slashed
With blood falling to the floor
Many scars lay on my wrist
The horrid faces of the people who saw
The second it's released
And the pain is throbbing
In my heart all is good
For just that split second holding
The knife held in my other hand
And slashing and slashing again
Repeatedly the skin is breaking
The pain worse than when I began
The knife cuts at my skin
And the blood just seeps out more
Tears fall over and over
My wrist red, bleeding and sore
The temptation to make everything right
The pain quickly empties from my heart
This equals relief and gladness
Then it's back to how it was at the start
The bracelets on my wrists
My sleeves pulled down far
Until the day it was healed
And all that’s left is the scar
The scars are reminders of the pain
And how my life was broke
So when the cravings come back to cut
I push it away and tie the choking rope