
by Becca   Jun 27, 2005

Lets go back to the day when I was happy,
The day that I would smile,
Everyday I sometimes regret every being alive,
There is one person who I love to be with,
My boyfriend,
When I feel like no one cares,
he's there and he cares,
When I cry,
he wipes away my tears,
But what happens when he leaves?
Do I go back to my old ways,
would I try to kill myself like I did before,
Will sorrow take over my life,
Everybody says there are plenty of fish in the sea,
It seems he is the only fish for me,
People say that life will go on,
but what if it doesn't?
What if all all the pain builds up inside you and you do something U know you will regret?,
What will happen if your heart just fails,
While you lay in bed,
Would anyone care that you died?
You would think noone would cry,
Not your family,or friends,or anybody,
Do you walk home in the cold,
and wish that someone would drive by and ask you if you needed a ride,
But they just drive on by as of you are invisible,
You stand on a bridge,
Looking down in the water,
You see your reflection,
What has happened to you?,
What a monster you have turned into,
You take off your clothes,
Brace yourself for the dive,
You close your eyes,
And Jump,
The cold water meets with your body,
So cold like ice,
Your eyes are stinging,
You stay underwater reusing to breathe,
You feel heat,
The air is building up in your lungs,
You have done it,
You've accomplished what you had planned on doing,
So you're dead,
Now what?


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