My Promise...

by Ashley Van Eperen   Jun 28, 2005

I've never felt so bad
In my entire life
Before I whispered those words to you,
On that horrible night

I knew you would be mad at me
And I became so scared
Cause I knew I should have turned to you
Cause I knew you would have cared

But I was just a foolish girl,
With too much on her mind
To think of how you would react
If my cuts turned to suicide

Babe, I really love you
You are what I need
I'm sorry I broke my promise
And made my self bleed

I hope you can forgive me,
For the things I have done
I couldn't stand losing you,
Couldn't deal with you being gone

So, I'm going to make a promise
This one I swear I'll keep
So baby please listen
And keep trusting in me

I promise I won't cut. That I'll always come to you. And before I pick up the razor, heres what I'm going to do. I'm going to call you, on the phone, and say I need your help. I'll stop saying nothings wrong, even when you know somethings up. This time, I'm going to let you in, and think of how you feel. I was so scared you would break up with me, couldn't imagine it was real. But just in case you're not around, I'll have a pen in hand. That way i write a letter, of how things have been....

I don't want to be that ex,
Who cut her self to death,
I wanna be the girl you love,
I wanna be the best

I'm sorry that I cut my self,
And I promise that I'm through
I'm doing all of this,
Cause I can't stand losing you.

This is not just some random poem, that I felt like writing. This is real. Its a promise I'm making to my boyfriend.


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  • 19 years ago

    by NoPatience

    hey, great poem. shows alot of emotion. i love your work. keep it up. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Unrequited

    i'm so glad that you are done cutting! it is such a shame that people sometimes feel that they need to do this! wonderful poem, and a wonderful promise to make! hope all is well!

  • 19 years ago

    by Samantha

    It's great that you have someone you care about strongly enough to make a promise like that to.

    I love the way your flow seems so natural.

    And thank you very much for the great comments you left me. :)

  • 19 years ago

    by BrokenMisery

    That is strong words and i hope he stands/stood with you still today. You have a very interesting style and rhymes. Your flow is not always obvious which is a good thing, but sometimes the very short lines makes it obvious to your reader what you’re going to say. I like your style but sometimes it can become very unoriginal, so just be careful of writing phrases and lines that heaps of other people have written, or unoriginal circumstances without something that makes it truly yours. I did like the poem; it has some good rhythm to it. Keep it up and stay strong.
    luv kt

  • 19 years ago

    by Clouds n ur Is

    I think it's very sweet you wanna stop cutting for your boyfriend. This is a very good poem. and so many people can relate to it. I loved it.

    Clouds n ur Is.