
by Tiffany   Jun 29, 2005

Why does all of our family problems go with us everywhere?
Why does our life depend on our future?
Why does every guy think he owns you?
Why does your friends say that they r your "true friends" when all they want is your man?
Why does the only guy u love dump u for another girl?
Why does our boyfriend think he can do whatever because u guys don't see each other?
Why does all these poems have 2 be about our lives and our future, make them about now not later on now!!


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  • 19 years ago

    by ~* gifted little fallen~*

    i truely agree with ur poem. i can refer to some or i see my friends go thrugh it . you might want to make ur poems a little longer but keep it up. dont give up..
    u should check out some of mine... i got one poem that i posted yesterday and i got 60 or so visits with like 2 votes but no comment what so ever... anyway keep it up and dont give up hope