I Hope...

by HisAngel   Jun 29, 2005

I wonder if they know,
how much i hurt inside.
Forever in a mist of darkness
No light left for me anymore.
I bleed and I shout,
hoping for someone to see or hear...or find me.
Looking at the scars,
while remembering the good times.
You walk right past by my blackened soul,
never knowing that I cared,
never showing that you cared.
And my tears turn to blood,
echoing my pain.
I hope you see me, I hope you hear me, I hope you find me.
I hope it isn't to late.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Jackie

    So emotive and written from the heart, very well written, 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Shirani Graham

    HoW sweeT iS thiS poeM anD i loveD iT.


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