
by Temptation   Jun 29, 2005

I'm feeling restless, can't sit still
Need to get out & do what I will
Want to meet new people, learn new stuff
Where I am right now just isn't enough
Got to break out, have to be free
There's lots to do & so much to see
I can't stay in this one place
Let's go out, join in the race
I've got to do something exciting & new
Won't wait for my life to be through
Off I go to enjoy today
I may be gone tomorrow but who cares anyway?


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  • 19 years ago

    by ..eliSa*

    You must think im obsessed with you lol always commenting on your poems:P well i think ur a very talented writter!! and im going to continue reading all of your poems!

  • 19 years ago

    by vicky

    hey look!!!!!i can comment!!!!!!ok well 2 make up 4 not being able 2 in tha past...well done baby i love them they are beautiful and written by a truly beautful person! x