I Hide Behind A Mask

by Maria   Jun 29, 2005

I hide behind a mask
It never reveals the true me
I want to share my life
But the mask doesn't allow it
I present myself as strong
Deep inside I'm weak
I've been through so much
Yet haven't shared it with anyone
I hide behind a mask
A mask which shows anger
But if you pull the mask off
All you'll find are tears
No one knows the real me
The heart, depth, sincerity I possess
I'm looked at as bland
But it's just a mask
I'm scared to take it off
Scared of what others will think
I'm afraid the mask has been on too long
That the real me will not be believed
Since I've acted this way all along
Really, I hide behind a mask
I want to take the mask off
I want to show what I really am
And open up to the world
Like I know I can...


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  • 18 years ago

    by LOST iN LOVE

    Loved this poem!! its great!! in a way i can relate to it..thanks for commenting on mine and keep up the good work!!

  • 18 years ago

    by miracle

    Really i really think this poem is great
    i know just how you feel
    i took my mask off
    and i told everyone that is near me what i've been trough and how i feel and think about certain things
    i know you can do it too
    and the people who really are there for you will believe you
    i know you can do this
    good luck with all
    5/5 from me