A mother losing a son-

by ♥ Rejekted   Jun 30, 2005

It hurt her so much to think about him
But all her memories remained.
Causing her to cry her eyes out
Every time she heard his name.

She sat in her room and pleaded
For god to mend her broken heart
Because living with out him hurt so bad
And it was tearing her apart.

Everyday she blames herself
For the horrible mistake she made
The cops found his car a little down the road
And on the concrete is where he laid.

She didnt mean to say those things to him
He wasnt useless, he wasnt better off dead
she regrets being a horrible mother she was
She didnt mean one thing she had said.

She wishes she would of said she loved him
She didn’t want her son to look death in the eye
A Mother lost her son over a stupid little fight
And a son Said his final goodbye.

edit // it's kind of weird because,
i wrote this poem along time ago,
and now i lost bill and jeremy.
just reading this poem makes me
miss them 10 times more.

rest in peace ` BILL && JEREMY


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  • 19 years ago

    by .+.unpretty_loser.+.

    Don't you haae it when you've done an awesome job on a poem and noone freakin comments????????
    i know i do!!!!
    great work, 5/5, lovin your poems,
    luv jess xoxo