Think before you do...

by mz BrokenHearted B i t c h   Jul 1, 2005

Do you ever get that little voice inside your head?
It says...
DO it
kill yourself
No one will care
Who will notice
have you ever followed that voice?
When you look at your self and just think about all the teasing you get every day
have you ever looked at your self in the mirror and took the razor then said your one last good-bye
then you take the razor and you put it up to your wrist but you just can't do it

every night i just sit in my room and cry and just think about all the bad stuff that has happen to me
then that little voice comes back and tells you..

this is the time
you know you can do it
just take the razor
and cut your wrist
it will make you feel better
all your problems will be gone

you go to the mirror
grab your razor from behind the bed
and say I love you and good-bye
then you cut
you do it this time
everything gets black
then you think of all the good times you have had
and you change your mind
you yell
you scream
but nothing comes out
you can't redo what you have done
your ling on the floor
blood every where
your parents find you
and the razor
so the next time
you think about killing yourself
just think of all the people you are hurting
plus you are hurting yourself
think of your family
think of all you good things you have done and good times
just please think before you do

please vote and comment

and sorry this is so long


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