Comments : MY NeT gUY.....

  • 21 years ago

    by Roula

    did you guys really finally get together? this is amazing, and i can relate so much, but not the part of finally getting together :(

  • 21 years ago

    by _Nati

    hey jen this is da pretty-n-pink
    i was reading ur comment and i really was interested in helping you, i think it is sad that you lost him, id do all i could to find the man of your dreams but its impossible , never give up thats all the advise i could give you and im gonna write you a poem aight, keep n touch and hope u like the poem!

    much love
    da pretty-n-pink

  • 21 years ago

    by _Nati

    sup people, well thys is me da pretty-n-pink i just wanna let ya kno that i did a dedication to someone who commented on my poem, this person is Jennifer Penny, shes the gurl who lost her boy, and i wanted 2 do a lil some-n for her, jen if ya read this, i got noth-n but love 4 ya gurl and hopefully u find what ur look-n 4! the dedication is under cyber and its called a poem 4 jennifer penny~

    aight yall thanks for the ratings and the comment

    much love
    da pretty-n-pink

  • 20 years ago

    by wcgirl02

    wow i just loved this poem thanks so much for sharing it with me...keep up the great work....

  • 20 years ago

    by _Nati

    hey wcgirl02 thanks for the comments, i appreciate it good luck writting,

    much love
    da pretty-n-pink

  • 20 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Wow I'm super late with this poem..I was reading poems by the rateing and yours came across...I'm so glad i read this!! I geot a net guy,,,after a month he asked me out and i was just like yeah!! ANd i hope we get married too! Thats awsome and so are you!

  • 16 years ago

    by Valerie

    Did you guys really get together?
    By the way, great poem :) !