Lost love

by litto lost girl`   Jul 1, 2005

As I’ve reflected upon our relationship
day by day,
it seems like you are drifting farther away
no longer close to me…as my boy
but just as a friend
I feel like I could just be myself…when I’m around you
I don’t have to b a gurl who sees a guy with his expectations but a gurl who isn't afraid to show her true self
I know that our love is true
The one thing that I fear is
Making you feel blue
And end up crying…because of you
Your touch is so heartwarming
I know that you’ll never harm me
As I’ve laid my head on your chest
I can feel your heart beating…beating a soft steady beat
I love you with all my heart
I never want us to be apart
But if you are unhappy with me, please do what you feel is right
A decision coming from your heart
That way, I know that the decision came from you
Because that is what you wanted
I want us to be together
Always and forever
I love u

~hope u like the poem, please rate/comment this poem....thanks~


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  • 19 years ago

    by nadsyy

    Hey gen i reli lyk yr riting..i gues its bocz i've been though wat u have...adding u to ma favs lol...but reli as i say this gen no boi is worth a tear...well hope i get to tlk to u sum how..coz i luv yr peoms.lol...luv dia mwaz xoxoxo tc

  • great poem. i can kinda relate to it.
    blessings courtie

  • 19 years ago

    by XxTeArSxX17

    awww it was sad i know this feel all to well i miss my guy to keep it up 5/5 and thanks for your comment