My New Love

by Clorissa   Jul 1, 2005

This pain is too much
I feel so cold and alone
I miss my baby
I miss his soft sweet touch

He means the world to me
I hope he feels the same
I wish we were together now
but we aren't cuz hes grounded you see

I love this boy very much
I miss hearing his voice and feeling his touch
He is amazing and astounding
This boy is my everything

Id give anything to be with him now
But if I ask again my mom will have a cow
I wish there was something I can do
Just to see my you know who

This boy helped me out of my dark hole
I no longer feel as if I have no soul
He gave me my life back
And made me feel like a person again

I was always serious and dark
Ive lightened up a lot ever since he came
I no longer feel so dark and insane
I'm in love with this boy very much

Ive fallen in love once again
Hopefully hes the right one for me
I hope he is the one to be
He means the world to me

~*~To my bf CJ(Curtis) whom I love so much~*~

ok... hes my ex now... but hey..


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