Lying naked on the floor,
Without someone to clothe you,
Without someone to hug you,
Without someone to catch your tears,
Lying helpless on the sidewalk,
Without someone to pick you up,
Without someone to kiss the bruises,
Without someone to scare away your fears,
Lying alone on the bed,
Without someone to sing a lullaby,
Without someone to tuck you in,
Without someone to be there through the years,
Lying hopeless on the table,
Without someone to save you,
Without someone to cure you,
Without someone to hide you from what appears,
Lying asphyxiated on the ground,
Without someone to give air to you,
Without someone to help you breathe,
Without someone to save you and someone who cares,
Lying clothed on the floor,
Without someone to undress you,
Without someone to push away,
Without someone to disregard the tears,
Lying powerful on the sidewalk,
Without someone to let you go,
Without someone to ignore the bruises,
Without someone to bring forth your fears,
Lying crowded on the bed,
Without someone to be silent,
Without someone to let you sleep alone,
Without someone to let you be free through the years,
Lying confident on the table,
Without someone to push you down,
Without someone to kill you,
Without someone to show you what appears,
Lying panting on the ground,
Without someone to take air away,
Without someone to take away your breath,
Without someone to be an enemy who never cares,