Why is everything so wrong
Still wondering what it is we`ve become
Tangled in a web of lies
What is it about life that we despise
And i know i have let you down
Led you to nothing but false hopes
Still, i don`t understand why you are doing this to yourself
Permanent scar`z for a fixable problem
I don`t understand how you do it
But you make it look so simple, so easy
Do you enjoy pushing us away
Are these games worth all our pain
Is it fun to see them suffer
they`ve been there all along
But they are sick of all you are causing
What will you do next time you fall
You`ll keep falling for no one will be there to catch you
And for once you will be truly alone
And the truth is there is no one else to blame but you
But still the one thing above all that i don`t understand is why don`t you care about any of it at all??