Waiting is killing me,
It's like watching water evaporate,
it seems to take forever but see,
I told you I'd wait,
and thats just what I'll do,
I'll wait for you to come back to me,
and start shining my shoes.
I'm waiting for you to come back,
and watch the faucet leak,
and i let out a huge "EEK!"
when a rat passes me by,
while I'm waiting for you.
You finally come back,
but wait now,
whats that perfume I smell on you?
whats that lipgloss on your cheek for?
whos hair is that? Not mine,
thats for sure.
You cheated on me?
You nasty little bastard,
I waited and waited for you,
while you were with her,
well skip you then to,
I will no longer forgive you,
You have used your last chance.