War Is Sometimes Necessary

by Tom Watkins   Jul 5, 2005

My fellow Americans...in the course of human events, war is sometimes necessary, to remove the yoke of tyranny. Whenever governments or kings impose their oppressive control, people may take up sword, and risk everything for freedom. They will fight, not only for themselves, but for the welfare of future generations; generations who will forget how their freedom was won for them. They will enjoy the spoils of war, whilst condemning the very thing that insured their liberty and independence.

They shall stand in defiance of every last aspect of war, as they cling to the securities it gave them. They will protest in times of war, slinging stones at those who do not share their convictions. And in their self-righteousness, they will not recognize that they have just taken the first steps...toward war. For does war not begin with a dispute of opinions, beliefs, and convictions? Whether a global conflict, or a battle between two individuals, war is still war.

And yet, personal hypocrisies continue to cause one to elevate his or her thoughts, and beliefs over all others. They demand their opinions be heard, all the while closing themselves off to conflicting beliefs. But in spite of their zeal, the sun always sets, and the protestors always return to the comfort of homes built upon the bones of those who fell to the fury of war. For is that not what America is? Is she not the spoils of war? Is there a single square mile, from Maine to California that was not taken by force, and won by the spilling of blood?

Yet the hypocrisy will rage on in righteous indignation, and the protestors will continue to enjoy the freedom, and prosperity given them through war. They will continue to scream their hatred of war, from the windows of their castles; monuments built atop the remnants of civilization who settled America's frontiers, thousands of years before their ancestors came. And in spite of the truths these words expose, they will continue to preach from their soapboxes, while enjoying comforts stained with innocent blood. While conflict remains between a man and his brother, the presence of war will not disappear from the earth. As long as the needs and opinions of the one supersede those of the many, the shadow of war will continue to loom. And as long as it does, it will be necessary for those rendered mute by the ambitions, and hypocrisies of tyranny, to fight. America will be an exceedingly strong, and proud nation; her people swollen with bragging. They will not understand why war is sometimes necessary, until their freedom...is gone.


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  • 19 years ago

    by beautifuldisaster

    Excellant poem. It's very different from you poem in the funny category. Multitalented. Youre a great writer kepp up the good work.

  • 19 years ago

    by myxlittlexcut

    This poem made me think...
    i personally have never thought that any type of violence is good, but you do bring up some good points
    it seems that you have thought through this subject and have a firm belief and you are sticking to it, and i think that's cool
    you wrote a great poem

  • 19 years ago

    by Tom Watkins

    Yes Bob, I know the liberal spin to take us off subject. However, a child coming into this world to go to war wasn’t what this poem was about. What this poem was about, and I don’t believe I was unclear about my point, was the fact that war is the reason you have the right to speak your mind. In 1776, better men than you risked their lives, their family’s lives, and several hundred American lives, to give you the right to call them murderers. You just don’t get it, do you? Laying down our guns isn’t going to stop terrorism. Without resistance, it’s going to ignite our enemies. Perhaps they became enemies at the hands of a corrupt government, which your precious Bill Clinton was part of as well; but it is you and me, and everyone we love who is in the line of fire. And those who get picked off the easiest will be the ones standing out in the open trying to find someone to blame. Do you even understand why we haven’t had another terrorist attack on American soil since 911? Because the financers of terrorism are afraid of this president. George Bush didn’t just go after the terrorists, he went after the countries who financed it and gave them asylum. If we pull out of Iraq while there is still resistance to our presence, we will send the message that we are beaten. If that comes to pass, I think we’re going to find out what happened to some of those missing munitions and suitcase nukes. I don’t know, I may be wrong about this, but I’ve got a feeling, if Philadelphia lies in ruins under the shade of a mushroom cloud, and you survive, you might begin to understand why it is sometimes necessary to fight. Let’s hope, when you finally understand, it isn’t too late.

  • 19 years ago

    by XxXangeltearsXxX

    i like it!

  • 19 years ago

    by Tearful Poet

    I agree with most of what you're saying, but from the viewpoint of a girl whose brother has been minutes from death for the past six months, I have to disagree with some of it. The politics are irrelevant. Nice writing.