You Killed Me

by Rachel   Jul 5, 2005

The day that you walked into my life
I felt so happy for once
You were always there
When I needed someone
You offered me your shoulder to cry on
And then you left me
Leaving me here to bleed
You left my soul empty
You didn't even say good-bye
It kills me to pieces
You can take all my knives
And sting me with them
But even that won't compare
To the pain you've caused me
Please stop haunting me
If you look hard enough
You'll see,
That you cost me my life.


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  • 19 years ago

    by XTaintedxBeautyX

    awesome poem, it is so good and you are so talented. one of the best I have ever heard! when i post some poems plz comment on them.

  • 19 years ago

    by B4BY BLU3 X

    This is so good! well done, and thanks for commenting on mine xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by AnorexicDream

    hey this is a great poem. u have so much talent. thanks for the comment check out some of my other poems when u get the chance.
    love always