by Ashley Washer   Jul 6, 2005

I can not escape what I am,
for it is written all over me,
but I did not write it,
for it was burned into my flesh,
by a group of my peers,
they held me down,
while forcing upon me that word,
that word that so elegantly describes me,
for it has been what I am for so long,
I don't even know where that word stops and I begin,
I know of whom use that word to describe me,
for it is not just the people that don't know me,
but that ones that call themselves my friends,
and if you listen close enough,
you will hear it from the one I date,
for she pretends to be someone else,
while screaming it over the phone,
and threatening my very existence,
she thinks its a joke to use that word to describe me,
but in truth it is no where near funny,
but if that is the word you want to describe me,
than so shall it be done,
and no longer will I be known by my real name,
but something much better,
so for now on when you want my attention,
just call out: DYKE!


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by rainbowlover1

    I like dykes theres nothing wrong with u so dont let anybody bring u down! email me

  • 19 years ago

    by x_Zoey_Survivor_1987_x

    I hate been called a dyke...your words are so true x

  • 19 years ago

    by SingleWing

    I am bi i know what u mean!