Innoccent disaster

by Rozzy   Jul 6, 2005

There's a silence in her voice
The fading of her laughter
She thought it was a joke
His confession of Innocent disaster

The sweet words promised kisses
Were nothing but
Satisfied lies

He swept her off her feet
To a world you only see through a first loves eyes

He promised her forever
She treasured his love
But he came to feel she was too Innocent
And not quite enough

But yes of course he still called every night
And whispered she was all that would ever matter
And she believed him
She still held his hand...
As his lies got longer and fatter

So she sat there....
As the tears began to fall
Whiled he tried to explain his to hearts
And of what he hopes not to lose what matters to him most of all

But no she would not listed
As she covered her ears with her hands
The truth stained in her mind
It would not erase
She couldn't take it
Standing up
Tears streaming down her cheeks
In disbelief she slapped him across his face

He looked at her...
Choking on his own tears
Pleading for her to stay
But she wouldn't take it anymore
As she lifted her head high...
And walked away

He grabbed for her hand
And in disgust
She pulled away to leave
She's gone he realizes
As he begins to pity himself
And weep

Now shes with anyone not too sweet
Falling out of place
Doing what her body is told
Shes not the Innocent he once knew
She just a bitter sweet...
Left out to the cold


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