
by Terra   Jul 6, 2005

How do you tell someone
that you are contagious,
and not in that a good way.

Having an STD makes life
that much more hard,
coping with the world,
and not being able to find love.

I know how it feels,
to discover your love life is at its end,
that's why I'm telling you,
and hoping you'll still be my friend

I don't expect for you
to just let go,
I'm hoping that 'cause we can't be lovers, we could be best friends.

I'm sorry for the bad news,
but it's better this way,
at least you know I care enough,
to not spread this agony.


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  • 19 years ago

    by ~*Curious Me*~

    Nice poem. really deep.It takes a lot of heart to tell someone thnigs like that.Keep up the good work and stay strong.