The Murder of a Fairy...

by Liquid Dreams   Jul 7, 2005

Once upon a time there was a fairy
A pretty one with eyes as blue as the sky
She soared higher than any cloud
You felt warmth as she breezed by

A glance at her you'd lose your breath
For fairies, I've been told
Are one of the most beautiful creatures
Mysterious, ethical, and bold

One day this fairy was flying
Just for wonder and bliss
When out of the sky shot an arrow
And unfortunately, it did not miss

The arrow went into the fairies side
She fell from many feet
The great fall left her on the ground
Some thought her life was beat

She lay there for a while
Some said hours, others said days
But when she awoke, a change had come
This fairy would never be the same

The fairy was damaged and shriveled up
Not only outside but in
For this to happen to any creature
Would be more than a sin

Her big, blue eyes faded
They turned a shade of bluish-gray
Her body grew deformed
And her beauty drifted away

Her beautiful cloak turned black and ugly
Her form was a disgrace
It was utter terror
To see the grimace on her face

Now this creature was called evil
Turned away and shunned
The poor one's feelings were hurt
So she turned on everyone

Her teeth became fangs
Her hair was mangy and wild
Her eyes now formed with this deepness
Surely she wasn't a fairy child?

With a knife drawn to the city
She went to have her revenge
The town was startled and unprepared
They had no time to plan their avenge

This old fairy was small and quick
She went through the city's gate
She went killing all the ones
Who had made her life feel hate

As she was murdering the village
An older boy walked up to her
Blond hair, green eyes, and pleasant features
She would kill him for sure

As the fairy drew the knife to him
He asked for pity for them all
See, he was the one who had shot the arrow
Not meaning to cause her fall

He thought she was an eagle
And wanted to have one on display
He never thought she was a fairy
And before he could stop, the arrow shot away

A lone tear rolled down his cheek
The boy handed the fairy a feather
It was a feather of her own
Before this horrible weather

The fairy was stunned and dropped the knife
Her eyes softened at this boy
She held the feather in her hands
And all of her was destroyed

All that was left of the fairy
Was a pool of blood and the feather of white
This boy will always feel responsible
For this once wonderful fairy's plight

He cleaned up her blood
And placed her feather in a place
Where if you go there to this day
You can still hear her scream of disgrace


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by The Queen of Spades

    I love fairies, this poem is so sad, but in a beautiful way. Awesome work, it's never easy to discuss fantasy-type things without sounding cliche or forced but you did so well, great job!

  • 19 years ago

    by kiesha

    Wow, you did an amazing job on this poem! It was so enticing, I loved reading it. Keep it up! And thanks for the comment on mine, it means a lot.
    > Kiesha

  • 19 years ago

    by blackrose1011

    great images, your mood fits, your metaphores are awesome! love this poem! very well written, the ryhme fits every well!


  • 19 years ago

    by Thrisa Allworth

    This sounds deeper than what it really says... like when drugs begin to control your life. I really like it!