We once began a book

by ..::Angel of your darkness::..   Jul 9, 2005

We once began and made a book
The stories are still left untold
But now the books is at its end
Our story I shall let unfold

We filled the pages with laughter
Smiles and sometimes even tears
Often pages had cliff-hangers
When the endings seemed near

Some pages had pictures
Like of the time we first kissed
I look back at those memories now
I see the times I'm going to miss

Some pages I want to tear out
Because they hurt me so
Like the times when we fought
Or one of us would leave and go

But the thing that's important
Is it's filled of memories of you
And memories will last forever
Even though we're now through

I know you want to forget me
Push me way into your past
But please save our memories
Help me make them last

Look back on the pages and smile
Try and remember all the good times
Because I know I'll always remember
Those days when you where mine

The book is filled with many pages
We thought it would never end
But the books is finally finished
It's broken and cannot be mend

But just because we've stopped writing
And the happy tale now seems sad
It doesn't mean you can't read back on the pages
And read the stories of the great times we had


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  • 12 years ago

    by Shadow

    Amazing! Great poem, I liked it. I loved how you got me thinking life as a book, how you can look back/reread on the good or bad times/parts. I enjoyed it, thank you for sharing =)

  • 12 years ago

    by Mello193

    Beautiful as always. great job

  • 13 years ago

    by Maggie

    I can relate to this and that's what i like to look for in poetry, imagery or something i can relate to. So well done! I loved it :)

  • 17 years ago

    by Breeeezie

    100/100 :D

  • 19 years ago

    by Stephen

    Great poem, very touching

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