Get Out

by Nikki   Jul 10, 2005

"Its finally happened" I say as if i expected it
but now at 16 years, the law, it permits
I hear the words he said he'd never say
he said to get out, he told me to leave today

That i wasn't worth the money, the stress or the lies
So i stared blankly, knowing he'd hit me if i cry
he grabbed my clothing and threw it out the door
grabbed my face and said he didn't love me anymore

Never daddy's little girl, i was number 3 of 4
So he told me, Like my mommy, "that i was a \/\/hore"
he walked outta the room, and i quietly closed my door
leaned against the back, and collapsed to the floor

I stood up to my phone, knowing my best friend could save me
my father cut the line, my heart dropped, as I to my knee
i shook so bad, the tears flowed freely, i was terrified
maybe he didn't mean it, I needed it verified

So i walked to the kitchen, and heartbreakingly heard
"Why cant she be like her sisters? Its completely absurd!"
I don't know what i did so wrong, I went to a party, I hadn't lied
Than I heard it and i felt the pain, the pain after your soul has died

"Shes not a virgin, shes an alcoholic, she cuts herself,
don't believe me? i found this razor on her shelf!"
As i listen to him inform the world that i am not good enough
I ask "Why don't u tell them when u drink u get rough?"

"That when you were a kid, you did drugs, you did time in jail?"
As I watch his fists clench, his muscles tense and his face go pale
I suddenly realize that for the first time... I'm ...not.... scared?!
and instead i find myself stable, i find myself prepared.

"STRIKE THREE!" is all that he'd uncalmly replied
starting to wish I had somewhere to hide
So this is where the poem ends, and the real tears begin
I've packed, I'm leaving, wiping all the tears from my chin


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