Comments : Alone in the rain

  • 19 years ago

    by Matt

    liked this poem, like them all, i can relate to them in many ways, i can also tell you that for all the bad times u go through n have 2 come, there will be many good times,


  • 19 years ago

    by Mark

    thnx again 4 readin mine! :) great poem 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Me

    Hmm.... it was very inspiring and in a way too true... what i wonder is what made you think like this.. i dont know however i do have a word of advice you can read it or leave it... the other day i gave a homeless man a dollar and i saw a smile on his face... then i turned around to see some rich man get a new car and he didnt even grin you know what he said... he said it wasnt worth the money because the leather wasnt quite right.... i turned between the two and i realized which one i was i was the rich man... I had and have everything i need yet instead i chose to focus on what i didnt have or how bad my things were to others... and i got into a mind set where i would without realinzing it think of only the worst... where as i wanted to be like the homeless man... not homeless per say but happy for what i did have... granted my life is far from perfect and heck it isnt even good all the time but i have friends that care and a God who loves me... even one friend can make up for all of those missing... good luck

  • 19 years ago

    by Patrik

    I loved the poem, absolutly excellent:)

  • 19 years ago

    by x~broken~angel~x

    aaaw that is an awsome poem! i love it. i saw a picture inside my head, it was great!! loved it. ur a talented writer. thankyou for commenting on my poems! xxx
    luv steph

  • 19 years ago

    by john

    wow i can feel the pain that you have in side. the emotional you put in it. i like that you didn't the readers that much information. it makes us think of why this person is so sad and depressed

  • 19 years ago

    by FlowerThatDied

    Very sweet yet depressing but your showing deep emotion which is a huge talent when it comes to poetry your talent excelled in this piece keep it up plz comment and vote on some of mine

  • 19 years ago

    by Steve

    I like how you use simple words to convey deep emotions. I like it because I think a lot of people tend to try to use large complicated words to emphasize their point; but often it has an opposite, cliche, effect. good poem! 5/5


  • 19 years ago

    by alive in death

    I feel insignificant leaving you a response after all these other ones...
    i really loved this.... and all i could think about was what i would give to meet the person in your poem... because i have many painfull lonely nights like this... and it's so hard to face it thinking that there isnt any chance of you glimpsing someone going through the same thing....
    you really had me feeling alot when i read this.... you have a way with words.. you really do....

    love your work, and i will most definitly keep reading...

    dont forget about me,

  • 18 years ago

    by Chelsea

    I love your writing style. I feel what your getting at and i Know exactly how you feel. It had very vivid imagery. It was truely good. I look foward to reading more of yours.