Suicidal Sacrifice

by foreverhappy   Jul 12, 2005

Shes left lying
On her bedroom floor
Crying to herself
Because she wants to live no more

Everybody hears her scream
But not one of them listens
They all see the scars
From the razor that gleams and glistens

They all watch her jumping
From a mountain up so high
But none of them stop her
Or even say goodbye

They all see her loneliness
Inside her empty eyes
They all see past
Her half-hearted disguise

They all see and hear her
But no one really cares
So now their all wondering
Why she isn't there

Now they all see her
Lying in her bed
Not making a sound
Because the little girl is dead

They found her in her room
Bleeding from her wrist
Hanging from a rope
Beneath her feet was a list

A list full of apologizes
And a list full of memories
A list of all the things
That she ever wished to be

There was a list full of hopes
And of all her lost dreams
There was a list full of things
That aren't the way they seem

She had a list of all the times
Her screams went unheard
She had a list of times she cried
So many, It's absurd

Everybody cried
Because they were unsure
How someone could do this
And why it had to be her

So many people were shocked
And started listening
So I guess she sacrificed herself
To save others in the end

Ever body listens now
And everybody sees
To save people like her
People like you and me

**I know this will go unheard like the rest but it would mean a lot to me if you would vote or comment.. Please. I'll return the favor promise.**


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by 3-12-06 forever

    Hey someones got skills in this place.. good going to you.. tha poems got raw and undifined talent.. wicked.. i got to admit its better than mine.. yell keep up the articulit work.. laterz

  • 18 years ago

    by pain is me

    This is so amazing
    your so talented
    keep it up

  • 18 years ago

    by nadsyy

    Omg dis is so sad...u got talent keep it dia mwaz xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Maria

    This poem is just my friend Desire'. i really like it and people do listen they just dont know what to say. They are afraid they will make things worse and then the person they said that to or needed them to listen will take their life. and sometimes nobody can tell theres something wrong. when we ask you say i'm fine... how will we know somethings wrong if you say just fine?
    i've thought about this kind of stuff a lot lately with the whole thing with Desire' and well i dont know.. i just really like all your poems like this. even tho they remind me of Desire' they really help. Keep it up!


  • 19 years ago

    by Heather

    Your An Excellent Writer! Keep Up The Good Work!