
by Andrew   Jul 12, 2005

Her star it seems to shine above the rest of the girls I meet. The face that should be before the cameras without the mask of makeup, the smile of purity I’d like to earn. She has rippling hair that seems to wave at me when she walks by. Her eyes, the perfect size for me to stare at when there are no stars out. When she returns the glance, her eyes lift me up with the reflected rays coming off of her contacts. As my partner on the court she moves with the flow the aurora borealis in the night sky, always shining with grace at she attacks the darkness. The floor cushions her precious steps with little sound as she wisps pass my eyes as the wind does on a cool fall morning. Her arm swings with majestic rhythm. Her hair color is the sight I see in bed with my eyes closed. Her teeth bring light to the darkness of her hair. I long to call her at this sign of dawn to hear her words caress my ears. Her voice can comforts those in despair with her elongated vowels. She uses words that I have yet to add to my dictionary, but somehow I can clearly understand her with the movements of her plump lips. She has a mystical energy field which endows the warm comfort of my blanket on my body. The aroma of her detergent is different on her clothes, it fills my sinus and pushes histamines out of my nose. I just need her in my life, either for love or for friendship, I must know that she is out there. She is what left the garden of Eden just a bit later then the rest of us.

Thanks for reading!


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  • 19 years ago

    by XxTeArSxX17

    wow i can see that you really care for this girl i hope everything works out for you i hope it gets better, and i am sorry my poem made you cry because of what your going through i didnt mean for that to happen it just how i feel now.. anyways keep up the good work and i hope you let her read this poem it might make her see things in a diffrent light 5/5 hope it works out
    for ya

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