Not Done yet/Pins and Needles

by Becca   Jul 13, 2005

Some people understand me,
And others really don't,
Everyone think i'm happy,
But deep inside I know I'm not,
Every night I cry myself to sleep,
But sometimes I don't know why,
So I got pins and needles,
And slowly pierce my arms,
The blood runs down them slowly,
I have so many scars,
I dip my finger in the blood,
And run it all over my face,
The blood in my room is almost like a flood,
In it I Ly in grace,
My white shirt is stained with red residue,
I stare at the ceiling so white and black,
Just imagine I did this all for you,
I carved your name in a wooden plank,
Just too prove my love,
Hug me Kiss me feel good,
So I won't feel like a fallen dove,
But please don't be rude,
Looking around at the trees,
Here i've fallen on my knees,
Hitting my head On t he cement,
Unconscious now I am,
These people laugh and torment,


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