To: Zach.

by BEAUTiiFUL|♥|TRAGEDY   Jul 14, 2005

Our love was something special,
So great it ended like this.
Not how it intended to be,
not before the first kiss.

He followed me everywhere.
I was scared to see,
the feelings he felt.

Knowing was like giving him a key
and asking for a broken heart

No Labels saying fragile
Or handle with care.
Just handing it out.
And hoping it won't tare

But instead it was me who caused all harm.
I still came came back to you.
I missed your smile and charm
But mostly your laugh
We shared my heart but i broke your half.

I saved time i knew it was coming.
I hate you for it to think i was dumb
But the thing i hate even more,
is that i let you go.
And i want you back more than anything,
ANd you dont even know....

about my first boyfriend...


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  • 19 years ago

    by Dory

    I really like this and ur quote about the pro and h o e is aweseom!!