My happy blog

by lawryn   Jul 14, 2005

Thanks Lander....
Current mood: awake

i was talking to a friend the other day and i was telling her about this guy that i liked...
she asked me how i felt about him....
i told her he makes me happy...
she asked why i liked him....
i told her he makes me happy....
she asked what else...
all i could say was that he made me happy...
she passed the phone onto Lander and he asked me the same things....
i told him the same thing that i told her...
then i heard the best advice a friend could give....
He said......

*Dont ever let him have the power to make you happy, because he will have the power to take it away at any time... allow him to ADD on to your HAPPINESS and not just be the reason for it....

Now when they ask me about him all i can say is that......
he makes me smile...
he undersatnds me.......
i love his personality......
hes awesome......
he loves GOD.....
awesome voice.....
great style.....
Hes The Best!!!!
HE ADDS ON TO MY HAPPINESS................


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