It's who I'am

by allison   Jul 14, 2005

Looking in mirror again and ask myself why
Why I’am so ugly, why still try

Try to be pretty, Try to be hot
I can’t be something Im just so not

My friends say im pretty, with my big brown eyes
Yeah right, What a bunch of lies

There's this one guy, Greatest person i’ve ever met
On him my heart is set

Why do I do this, Put myself through so much pain
Thinking I could have him, I drive myself insane

So now I sit and cry
I just wonder why

Why I can’t have him
Why I’am so ugly
why I’am so fat
Why I’am such a disgrace


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  • 18 years ago

    by Shawna

    Wow!! Great poem, I definately can relate but I hope you know everyone in the world (at least all females) feel this way at one time or another. I have some poems about body image, I will try to get them added onto my poems sometime!

  • 19 years ago

    by Michelle

    Awww.....don't give up! You will eventually find someone....don't give up hope or will never find someone....keep the will! Don't worry...

    Big Hugs,


  • 19 years ago

    by wendy

    I am sure you are a beautiful girl you have to be to write such beautiful poems stay sweet and keep smiling

  • 19 years ago

    by M MEM

    This is pretty good, i think you should work on the ending a little, but still pretty good

  • 19 years ago

    by writer girl

    great job showing your emotion. just remember that every woman is beautiful in one way or another, and you are no exception. love always,
