Black Tears

by Becca   Jul 14, 2005

These black tears,
Running down my face,
Are filled with fear,
And much disgrace,
They tell me I'm not good enough,
And pushed me away,
My life has always been so touch,
My parents don't want me to stay,
They scream and yell and hit me,
And say I'm just so dumb,
I stand in the corner whimpering,
And realized I'm so numb,
These cuts and bruises all over,
I don't know what to do,
They said they wanted someone better,
They wanted someone new,
I was locked up in my closet,
The air was smoggy,
I hear the running facet,
And see the bathroom so foggy,
I haven't eaten for a day or two,
Nor had a drink,
I hope this never happens to you,
Its hard for me to think,
They let me out of the closet,
My bones you couldn't miss to see,
They laughed and hit me harder,
Why did I deserve this be?,
I wish I were free,
But I can't leave the house,
I look out the window,
And talk to the mouse,
The mouse which lives under my bed,
The mouse thats in my mind,
I think I'm getting sick in the head,
I'm ruining out of time,
I haven't eaten for a week now,
I Ly here on my bed,
My ares are sunken in somehow,
Nothing runs through my head,
As I slowly fade away,
Away into the heavens,
Away into the blue skies,
I guess I wasn't wanted,
But no I have wings to fly...


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