
by xBubbles   Jul 14, 2005

Why Do I Love You?....Cause Your Everything In My Eyes...
Why Don't I Hate You?....Cause Theres Nothing To Despise...
Why Do I Always Think Of You?...Cause Theres Nothing That Else I Can Do...
Why Do I Feel This Way?...I Have No Idea...Do You?
Why Do I Feel So Sad When You Aren't There?....I Just Want To Feel Your Touch On My Hair....
Why Can't I Have You?... When I Want You So Much...
Please I Just Want To Have You In My Clutch...And Hold You Tight Within My Arms...
Oh Why Oh Why Cant You See...Your The Only One For Me.....

This is my First ever poem so please vote and comment......thanks nuf luvz n hugz xx


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