Hey, kid, what's with you?
Hey, kid, you feelin' lower than the floor?
Hey, kid, how long have you felt like this?
Hey, kid, was it so long ago that you can't remember anymore?
Hey, kid, I see those cuts on your arms.
Hey, kid, do you do it to die?
Hey, kid, do you?
Hey, kid, so do I.....
Hey, kid, guess what?
Hey, kid, just pull the trigger.
Hey, kid, see the trigger?
Hey, kid, just pull the trigger and it's all o.v.e.r.
Hey, kid, here's a gift.
Hey, kid, it's a gun.
Hey, kid, this'll make it ok.
Hey, kid, just shoot and your done.
Hey, kid, this means no more pain!
Hey, kid, just pull and it's all done.
Hey, kid, it'll be ok.
Hey, kid, just s.h.o.o.t.t.h.e.g.u.n.